Hot weather gives me a bad headache whenever there isn’t any A/C.
I really don’t know why this has started happening to me recently, unless it’s because I’m just getting older.
The heat during the summer never really used to bother me at all. As a matter of fact, I used to stay outside even when the temperatures were in the 90s and I didn’t have a problem with it. However, for some reason, these days, I can’t stand it when the weather gets sunny outside and the temperature is anywhere above 75 degrees! I think that it’s ridiculous that I can’t stand to be outside longer than fifteen minutes at a time when the temperature is hot. It makes me feel like I am losing my edge and also like I am missing out on all of the summer activities that I could be enjoying. I used to love surfing and being out in the sun and gardening outside in all of my flower beds, but now I don’t do any of those things anymore. I just can’t stand the hot temperatures for some reason. Even when I wear a hat and I try to stay in the shade, the weather outside just makes me feel like I’m going to die. I have to stay inside where there is air conditioning, or I get a really bad headache that lasts for the rest of the day. Maybe I just get dehydrated really easily or something. I don’t know why the headaches just keep on coming but I am not willing to risk getting one just so I can go sit out in the sun for a while. I just don’t think that it is worth it, even though I do love being outside!