I’ve learned to never take for granted the location of one’s residence insofar as it relates to how comfortable it is to live there, however for the longest time, I lived in a property with my family that was on a piece of land that saw direct sunshine with entirely little foliage to supply us shade, then the most my associate and I had was some easy bushes plus other types of landscaping, however no overhanging trees or even tall shrubs to supply us respite from the sunshine plus heat! We simply got used to buying heavy curtains plus shades plus using the a/c all the time, then all these things were entirely necessary in the summer, in particular, as you can well imagine. Then, last year, my associate and I moved into a current house. The property is just at the edge of a blissfule, plus there is plenty of shade on three sides of our house. We even had to trim back some of the trees in order to protect our property from falling branches, but once that was done, but, my family plus I entirely abruptly became appreciative of just how much shade my associate and I were getting surrounding our house. We moved in in the month of May, plus by mid-July it became entirely evident that my associate and I would not have to use our a/c nearly as much as my associate and I needed to on the old property. The property is oriented on the apartment in such a way that the sun rising in the east plus setting in the west is clogged by trees on either side. Considering the fact that our current property has comparable square footage to the old one, my partner plus I are blissful that our energy bill seems much lower!