He ended up loving my space heater so much that he went out and bought one himself after he returned mine back to me.
I love to have portable space heating products. They’ve saved me so many times. I probably have way more than I love or need and I’ve become a bit of a joke because of this. Maybe it’s a little weird but I have over 10 individual different space heating systems. What can I say? I like to be prepared. It’s because I have so many portable spacing systems that I’ve been able to learn some of them out to friends when they really need them. My boyfriend last winter had a real problem with this heating system. It had stopped working. The problem was that this winter was unusually cold, and we live in a cold climate but the temperature has dropped well below freezing. Well no one gets cold here. It doesn’t get that cold and he had no space heater to warm his place, if he didn’t get something soon not only would he freeze but he would have to call emergency HVAC services, something he really didn’t have the money to do. So to solve his problem, I lent him one of my portable space heaters. He ended up loving my space heater so much that he went out and bought one himself after he returned mine back to me. He said that they were a lifesaver and that everybody should have one. I couldn’t agree more! Having extra space heaters laying around also is great for when one or two of them stop working. I have plenty more in reserve. One thing’s for sure I won’t have to make any purchases from the heating and cooling system for quite a while as long as I have these bad boys.