Bees in the ductwork

Bees in the ductwork

Last Spring, I decided to thoroughly disinfect my house from top to bottom.

I laundered all of the linens, organized the closets, washed the windows plus cleaned everything from the overhead light fixtures to behind furniture! Multiple times, I found a bee flying around the room. I carefully captured the bee plus released it outside. I couldn’t figure out where they were coming from. It wasn’t until I started up the cooling system for the first time that I realized the bees had built their nest inside the ductwork… When the rush of cool air hit the bees, they poured from the supply vents into the house. There were a lot of them, plus they were extremely angry. My great friend and I needed to vacate the house. I immediately called my Heating, Ventilation plus A/C dealer plus explained the problem! He told me that bees are a protected species plus that I’d need to contact a professional bee removal business. While the bee dealer was actually great about arriving hastily plus handling the problem, this resulted in some detriment to my walls, ceilings plus ductwork. I then had no option however to hire the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C dealer to repair, disinfect plus seal the duct system. The bees had left behind a good deal of debris inside the pipes that would potentially block airflow plus cause issues with indoor air quality. All of these various services added up to a good deal of time, stress plus expense. My great friend and I were unable to run the cooling system until the bee problems were taken care of. The house was extremely hot the whole time.

Air conditioning install