Rain cooling down my house in the summer time

Rain cooling down my house in the summer time

Around noon on any given day while in the summer time months, you can count on the house being so hot that not even the central cooling system can cool the house, however i know the main complication is the lack of trees in the yard that supply shade coverage, most of the time in

Documentary about indoor air quality

Documentary about indoor air quality

She also learned the diseases can travel through the air ducts plus into the air at restaurants plus stores, i thought all of this was correct sense, although I suppose my roommate was learning all of it for the first time. My roommate likes to watch documentaries, and she is always enjoying crazy documentaries about

a/c has ice in it

a/c has ice in it

They are open 24/7 so someone answered right away. I had a dream that it was hailing plus that I was being hit in the face by little ice pieces while outside. I remember feeling legitimately cold. Then I woke up plus realized that the icy dream wasn’t all just a dream. I was, in

Heater safety in the barn

Heater safety in the barn

My child found a newborn lamb in our field today. Its mother had abandoned it. I have no idea why. This is the first lamb of the season so I don’t have any other ewes I can put his with. My child decided that he would care for the lamb himself. I always have replacement

I like that the current house has radiant floors

I like that the current house has radiant floors

I have consistently hated hardwood floors. I grew up in a house with no carpeting whatsoever and my feet were consistently freezing cold, my Grandma, on the other hand, had nice lush carpeting and I enjoyed it. My feet were consistently so warm and comfortable when we stayed at Grandma’s house! That is why I

Trending online

Trending online

When I listen to the yearly news they always do a segment on “what’s Trending”. I find most of the stuff entirely boring plus don’t see what all the fuss is about. It is usually some story about a celebrity doing some terrible thing plus it has no impact on my life personally. I guess

My friend was scammed into buying an a/c that did not work

My friend was scammed into buying an a/c that did not work

When she got home, there was no a/c device in the box. One of my friends named Aubrey is quite gullable. She often buys items that look wonderful on infomercials as well as they are usually gadgets that don’t work well. She has purchased bootleg DVD’s as well as she thinks that if something is

End parts in trucks

End parts in trucks

I labor for an employment agency & specialize in matching skilled laborers with local businesss, then without question, there’s a shortage of skilled laborers, & it’s anybody’s feel as to the cause, however some claim that the shortage is a result of civilization’s emphasis on four year college degrees over trade university certifications, in recent

My friend was scammed into buying an air conditioner that did not work

My friend was scammed into buying an air conditioner that did not work

One of my friends named Aubrey is quite gullable. She often buys items that look good on infomercials and they are usually gadgets that don’t work well. She has bought bootleg DVD’s and she thinks that if something is on sale or if there is a discounted price that it must be good. She was

A special visit turned out to be the best way to spend the morning

A special visit turned out to be the best way to spend the morning

It isn’t often that my adult children come & spend the morning with me. I would love to have them do so more often however with jobs & kids of their own they have honestly hectic schedules. Last Tuesday when my child said he was coming over I was glad, however after that my buddy

The village hall is chilly cold

The village hall is chilly cold

We had a village meeting on Saturday as well as I finally know where all of our fees are going too. They are going into the electric bill for the village hall, it was actually chilly in there. The thermostat must have been set to about 55 degrees. I noticed that all of the village

Spooky noises from the broken furnace

Spooky noises from the broken furnace

Probably if she had done this earlier, the unit would have served her a few more years before needing to be replaced I visited my sister a few months back when winter was almost ending, but it was still cold, and we had to stay most of the time indoors. Around the same time, her

cooling system has ice in it

cooling system has ice in it

An cooling system serviceman came out a few hours later as well as was able to solve the issue I had a dream that it was hailing as well as that I was being hit in the face by little ice pieces while outside. I remember feeling particularly cold. Then I woke up as well

Movie theater has Heating and A/C problem

Movie theater has Heating and A/C problem

It wasn’t as well as that is all because of the Heating and A/C system The youngsters were happy to finally be able to go to the theater as well as watch a movie again. It was nice to get out of the property even if the theater snacks is overpriced. The Dipson Theater is

Smart thermostat with geofencing

Smart thermostat with geofencing

I am interested in a new thermostat for my home, but not that many of days ago, I started researching the most well-known brands and models. I wanted to compare the available features and patron satisfaction rating… Some of them are easier to navigate than others! Most of them include unquestionably similar warranties. I got

Hot plus Hazy Days

Hot plus Hazy Days

There are parades, bands, plus plenty of freezing beverages to help you celebrate however if you are overdressed you will surely be uncomfortable. My family recently planned a trip down south to attend Mardi Gras. Because the celebration takes place during the Springtime I never even thought about the air temperature. I feel that it

Phish or Fish?

Phish or Fish?

When my elderly acquaintance was outside the other day I stopped to see how things were going. She was legitimately quite so I could tell that something was wrong. After a few minutes she confided in me that her kindle had been hacked & she wasn’t sure how that had happened. I asked her a

Tried fixing the temperature control

Tried fixing the temperature control

It must be nice to be retired. I can’t wait for the day until I can just stop working a Wednesday through Sunday task, collect a pension as well as just travel. This is exactly what my parents are doing currently. They retired from working over 35 years as well as are now traveling as

I always bring my media air cleaner to my parents home with me

I always bring my media air cleaner to my parents home with me

My friend and I rarely go and stay at their home because of that, but when I do go and stay at their house, I always bring my media air cleaners I may be considered a wash freak despite the fact that I do not like to be called one, i do not know how

Grandparents sizzling house

Grandparents sizzling house

One thing my parents don’t have that my friend and I do in our home is a heating and cooling system Every year during the summer time I send my kids off to my parents house. They cherish spending time with their Grandparents but I suppose as my friend and I get older it’s become

The church auditorium is so cold

The church auditorium is so cold

I care about my church family. They are particularly family to me. I cannot tell you how much help and encouragement they have been to me over the years. If it was not for their help, I guess I may have given up at times. I have been in the same church for about twenty

My Furnace Went Out In The Middle of The Night

My Furnace Went Out In The Middle of The Night

I enjoy sleeping in a cooler environment, however there’s nothing worse than being too frosty while trying to sleep; Last week, I woke up shivering in the middle of the night! I was so frosty plus couldn’t get hot no matter what I did, i piled two extra blankets on my bed plus pulled on

Tried fixing the thermostat

Tried fixing the thermostat

It must be nice to be retired. I can’t wait for the day until I can just stop working a monday through friday job, collect a pension and just travel. This is exactly what my parents are doing currently. They retired from working over 35 years and are now traveling and enjoying life. My parents

I wish there was A/C at the baseball field

I wish there was A/C at the baseball field

I wish that there was A/C at the baseball field. It’s so hot around here during the summer that I can barely stand it. I know that it’s probably never going to happen, but I wish that someone would invent some personal cooling devices specifically to take to all of the baseball games outside during

Rain cooling down my house in the Summer

Rain cooling down my house in the Summer

Around noon on any given afternoon during the Summer months, you can count on the home being so sizzling that not even the central cooling system can cool the house… I suppose the main problem is the lack of trees in the yard that supply shade coverage, however most of the time in the place

I will continue to use a window ac

I will continue to use a window ac

When my wifey recommended that I should get another type of cooling system I was pretty skeptical at first. He thought it would be a wonderful idea for me to replace to a ductless mini split A/C system. He wanted the wonderful detail about how ductless mini split cooling systems are far superior to window

AC in a foreign country

AC in a foreign country

A year ago, I decided to take a backpacking trip abroad. The climate of the region I traveled to was similar to where I live in the US. Humidity and high temperatures did not worry me as I was used to such conditions where I live now. One thing I was not prepared for was

Air Conditioning Not Working At Store

Air Conditioning Not Working At Store

I went to my local big-box retail store sureterday as well as they seemed to be having a problem with their Heating & Air Conditioning system. It was really hot as well as humid in the store. I think the a/c wasn’t laboring or something. They had all of their door open as well as

Infrared heat works great in a pinch

Infrared heat works great in a pinch

Have you ever purchased a portable heater to help supplement your HVAC system? Many times purchasing one of these units it perfect for a room or small space that just needs a bit more warmth. Take my laundry room, it always seems to be colder than the rest of the house and when I decided

Deciding to replace the heating/cooling unit

Deciding to replace the heating/cooling unit

When we first moved down south and bought a house, the property needed quite a bit of repairs and renovation. One of the bathrooms and the kitchen required complete remodeling. We replaced all of the appliances, fixtures and drain pipes. We originally hoped to replace the heating/cooling unit within the first year. However, we had

Choosing a qualified corporation for furnace repairs

Choosing a qualified corporation for furnace repairs

Last winter, when there was a problem with my furnace, I went online plus googled furnace repairs; I found a list of Heating plus Air Conditioning corporations that deliver repair in my area… Rather than learn patron reviews or check their qualifications, I contacted the first one that caught my attention. I assumed that all

Sharing a shed & only one side of the roof was done

Sharing a shed & only one side of the roof was done

I recently purchased a house that I share a shed with the guy next door, there is a wall that separates the two sheds, however they share a roof, however apparently the previous owner of my side was a cheapo. I noticed that the shed roof had been redone however only one side of it

I Plan On Installing a Geothermal Heat Pump

I Plan On Installing a Geothermal Heat Pump

The heat while in the summer time months in this region is extreme. The temperature rises above 100 degrees at least three times a week plus the humidity hovers around 69%. Over the years, I’ve learned how pressing it is to have my a/c serviced by an Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C professional. A certified Heating,

A perfect career for our son

A perfect career for our son

I have worried for years about my youngsters & how they would make it in this week’s economy… Our oldest, my daughter, regularly seemed to know what she wanted in life. She was certainly good when it came ot laboring with youngsters so it was no surprise when she became a professor. Our son, on

I like that the new property has radiant floors

I like that the new property has radiant floors

I am sold I have always hated hardwood floors, and i grew up in a property with no carpeting whatsoever as well as my feet were always freezing cold, but my Grandma, on the other hand, had nice lush carpeting as well as I loved it. My feet were always so moderate as well as