Fall makes me appreciate heated floors

Fall makes me appreciate heated floors

I was visiting my daughter when her big old yellow lab ran into me and knocked me down.

  • I was home alone at the time.

It was just me and the dog and I fell hard. I decided to just sit on the floor for a minute before trying to get up. I could tell that I was hurt but I wasn’t sure how hurt. However, my fear went away within minutes of sitting on that heated floor. My daughter has underfloor heating and it is nice. It is especially nice if you happen to be injured and sitting on the floor. I could feel my aches and pains going away as I sat there. I stayed there on the heated floor for over an hour before finally deciding to get up. After all, my daughter would be home from work soon and I didn’t want her to worry if she saw me sitting on the floor. So, I carefully got to my feet. Once up, I reassessed my injuries only to find that there were none. I felt completely fine. I think that setting on that heated floor took care of any pain or swelling that might have been there. I decided not to tell my daughter about the fall. I didn’t want her to worry. Besides, if I do end up aching later I could just sit on the heated floor again. In fact, I might just lay on the floor tonight and see if it helps with my chronic back pain. All of the floors in this entire house are heated so I should be able to lay on the floor in my guest bedroom without her noticing. I could just move my bedding down there for the night.


space heater