I run an art gallery, and my building is over 100 years old. Our air conditioning system was installed thirty years ago, and had never been updated. The gallery was comfortable with only a few of us in the building, but I almost dreaded exhibition openings; would our artists notice that it was a little hot in the gallery while it was crowded? A few months ago, I received amazing news: one of my favorite artists wanted to feature his work at my gallery! I was surprised. We were a small gallery, and he definitely had more glamorous options. But, I was determined to make a good impression, and made a list of all of the updates to the building that I had been putting off. First on the list: installing a new air conditioning system! I called an HVAC company, ordered new cooling and heating equipment as soon as I could, and a team of HVAC technicians was dispatched within the week to install my new system. They made numerous changes to the existing ducts, created some new vents to address our problem areas, and installed a fancy dehumidifying system to protect the artwork displayed at the gallery. I was so impressed with how knowledgeable the technicians were, and they made so many art-specific HVAC suggestions for my gallery. After a few other tweaks, I was ready for opening night. The artist arrived, and I was so nervous. He looked around with a somewhat disapproving expression before he turned to me and said, “I expected such an old building to be humid, but it feels perfect.” Opening night was a huge success, and the artist had nothing but good things to say about the gallery. I owe a debt of gratitude to my local HVAC company!