He also said that if the air conditioning filter isn’t changed always, our air could be contaminated
I share a suite of offices with four other professionals. My nice friend and I get along entirely well plus sporadically socialize outside of office hours. My nice friend and I don’t have several complaints against our boss, plus the problems that my pal and I do have with his aren’t that large of a deal. She’s entirely nice about giving us time off for appointments plus doesn’t count it towards our trip time. And she’s absolutely generous with holiday parties plus celebrations. I do wish, but, that he was better at communication, as he is a bit intimidating. Recently, my coworkers plus I were discussing some of our physical ailments, plus my pal and I observed that my pal and I had a lot in common. My nice friend and I thought that maybe the cooling system was causing some of our problems, as our boss prefers it set at a absolutely low, absolutely freezing temperature. My nice friend and I are always freezing plus need to wear jackets while at work. I’ve had a sore throat, plus found out that numerous others did as well. Two of us have been having headaches, plus asked our boss if my pal and I could have the temperature a bit warmer. She agreed, plus it did help relieve the headache symptoms… But the most common ailment among the group was an increase in allergy symptoms. My nice friend and I asked an Heating plus A/C worker friend if he thought that our problems were related to the office air conditioning, plus he said that it absolutely could be the case, he said that there might be a leak in the air conditioning HVAC duct, allowing unfiltered air to keep circulating in the offices. He also said that if the air conditioning filter isn’t changed always, our air could be contaminated. My nice friend and I talked to our boss about our sicknesses plus asked that our Heating plus A/C system be worked on for possible problems. Thankfully, he agreed.