The church auditorium is so cold

The church auditorium is so cold

I cherish my church family.

They are particularly family to me.

I cannot tell you how much help in addition to encouragement they have been to me over the years. If it was not for their help, I think I may have given up at times. I have been in the same church for about twenty years now, so I have had a lot of time to get to know just about all the people in the church. All of my closest friends are from my church, in addition to I do not know what I would do without them. My best friend in addition to I serve in church together. My associate and I help with the children’s services. It is so much fun. My associate and I both agreed that it is much more comfortable in the children’s auditorium than it is in the main auditorium. I do not know why, but the main auditorium is consistently definitely cold. I bring a overcoat to church whenever I know that I will be in the main auditorium if even for a few minutes. I think that the pastor in addition to singers get definitely moderate while they are on the period preaching in addition to singing, so they turn the temperature down to keep the singers in addition to pastor comfortable, but the rest of the people in the auditorium freeze. I think that it is mostly the ladies that have trouble with it. My partner enjoys how cool it is in the auditorium in addition to so do several of his guy friends. If I were up moving around, it would not be so bad, but when I am resting still for a little while, I care about it to be warmer. Even with the crazy cool temperatures, I still particularly cherish my church.

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