Termites raining down from Heating and Air Conditioning vents

Termites raining down from Heating and Air Conditioning vents

I have learned a lot from flipping houses. For example: “don’t bite off more than you can chew”. In other words, don’t take on a project that is more than you can handle. For me, that means not intentionally buying a property that has issues that I can’t fix myself. Take, for example, this one

Fall maintenance inspections by HVAC technician

Fall maintenance inspections by HVAC technician

It’s October and fall is officially here! There are so many things that I like to do when the season fall arrives. I like to go pumpkin or apple picking with my family, it’s a yearly tradition that is always done. I am so excited to watch my favorite Halloween movies as well and putting

Construction project leads to A/C repair

Construction project leads to A/C repair

Before making an offer on our new house, my husband and I paid for a house inspection. My associate and I also hired a licensed Heating and A/C corporation to inspect the boiler, a/c and duct system to be sure all components were in decadent shape. My associate and I didn’t want to transport in

We Don’t Use Our Furnace Often

We Don’t Use Our Furnace Often

Where I live in the south, my associate and I truly rarely run our furnace. 9 months out of the year require an a/c and a great one at best. The summer time months bring extreme heat and humidity and the a/c is run heavily all day and evening, however during the three months that

I feel I appreciate the UV light filter

I feel I appreciate the UV light filter

You know after using me multiple unusual types of air cleaners over the years you would feel that I would appreciate HEPA filters. After all HEPA are one of the best kinds of air cleaners you could ever wish to buy. I’ve also used your purifiers plus those are pretty great too even though I

Humidity Can Mean Mold Growth

Humidity Can Mean Mold Growth

I am a real estate agent and I have experienced many homes. I love my job, being able to see the unusual architecture and design of homes. I’ve seen beautiful homes and I’ve seen dreadful homes that need fixing up. Earlier this week I was lucky enough to go inside a multi million dollar house.

Cooling Floors?

Cooling Floors?

I am just not sure it is worth the extra cost or that my friend and I would really be saving cash on or cooling bill if my friend and I have two cooling systems running all winter We finally decided to have radiant radiant heated floors installed instead of a furnace. My fiance as

I like that the new property has radiant floors

I like that the new property has radiant floors

I am sold I have always hated hardwood floors, and i grew up in a property with no carpeting whatsoever as well as my feet were always freezing cold, but my Grandma, on the other hand, had nice lush carpeting as well as I loved it. My feet were always so moderate as well as

Survival kit for painful menstrual cycles

Survival kit for painful menstrual cycles

Many ladies suffer from painful menstrual cycles every month. Symptoms include painful cramps, nausea, headaches, irritability, depression, backaches, exhaustion, and mood swings. Some ladies have mild cramps that can be treated with over the counter pain killers. Some ladies have extremely painful cramps from conditions like endometriosis that prescription painkillers can help in some cases.

Unexpected costs in building renovations

Unexpected costs in building renovations

I went into business with some friends from university plus my friend and I now have a pretty successful corporation. We are in the business of purchasing older buildings, renovating them, plus then putting them back on the market. We have been doing this for about five years now plus it provides a absolutely nice

Heater safety in the barn

Heater safety in the barn

My son found a newborn lamb in our field today. Its mother had abandoned it. I have no idea why. This is the first lamb of the season so I don’t have any other ewes I can put her with. My son decided that he would care for the lamb himself. I always have replacement

Going to work plus always being cold

Going to work plus always being cold

A lot of my friends who just graduated university are not honestly fond of their tasks. It took me awhile to find a task however eventually I found one after a few months of relentless searching. The task that I have right now deals with talking plus communicating with employees, plus unemployment. I work in

Money well spent on upgrades

Money well spent on upgrades

While doing routine inspections on my apartment building I handed out surveys to my tenants. I wanted their input on ways that I could improve the place and what amenities I could add to make their lives better. Keeping quality tenants is important and catching small problems is better than fixing major ones. I was

Hoping to replace my furnace

Hoping to replace my furnace

Modern options include flexible-speed technology that allows the system to adjust in tiny one percent increments. My new furnace is nearly thirty years old. While I’m impressed with its lengthy lifespan, I assume it’s time to replace it. The system continues to operate however performance is gradually decreasing. I’ve seen a steady rise in the

I’ve Always Purchased My Air Filters From The Hardware Store

I’ve Always Purchased My Air Filters From The Hardware Store

When I finally gained them, I unpacked them plus installed one into my Heating plus A/C system I’ve always purchased my air filters from the hardware store. I’ve always done this because it’s what my parents always did, so I didn’t know to try anything different. I knew air filters were sold at the hardware

Grandfatherrents warm house

Grandfatherrents warm house

Every year during the Summer I send my kids off to my parents house. They cherish spending time with their Grandfatherrents although I think as my friend and I get older it’s become more of a challenge to get them out there, then when they were younger it was always fun for them to go

Smokey bar

Smokey bar

I recently lost my job plus I decided that I wanted to go back to toil in a local pub. When I was in university I worked in a local bar plus I loved it, granted I watched much younger than I didn’t have as several responsibilities as I have now. Thankfully I don’t have

Portable space heaters are great

Portable space heaters are great

He ended up loving my space heater so much that he went out and bought one himself after he returned mine back to me. I love to have portable space heating products. They’ve saved me so many times. I probably have way more than I love or need and I’ve become a bit of a

I always bring my air cleaner to my parents apartment with me

I always bring my air cleaner to my parents apartment with me

I may be considered a scrub freak but I do not like to be called one, however i do not know how it happened because I grew up in a apartment that was not the cleanest, however my parents are not filthy people, however they absolutely are not super scrub people either, and ever since

My Furnace Went Out In The Middle of The Night

My Furnace Went Out In The Middle of The Night

I adore sleeping in a cooler environment, however there’s nothing worse than being too cold while trying to sleep, and last week, I woke up shivering in the middle of the evening! I was so cold and couldn’t get moderate no matter what I did, i piled two extra blankets on my bed and pulled

Heating, Ventilation plus A/C maintenance for no charge

Heating, Ventilation plus A/C maintenance for no charge

I have an uncle who is a retired Heating, Ventilation plus A/C serviceman. He is consistently willing to help someone in need of an Heating, Ventilation plus A/C maintenance for a little extra money on the side. He spent his life repairing heating as well as cooling systems as well as has more experience than

It is not regularly cheap to get the best HVAC unit

It is not regularly cheap to get the best HVAC unit

Anyone who likes awesome things knows that it takes a lot of effort or investment to get them. The same thing applies to the best HVAC units. To secure the best brand plus the latest technology of an AC, heat pump, or furnace, you will most likely spend my money a satisfactory sum for it.

Spooky noises from the broken furnace

Spooky noises from the broken furnace

I visited my sibling a few months back when winter season was almost ending, however it was still cold, plus my pal and I had to stay most of the time indoors. Around the same time, her furnace had given up on her because it was old plus ancient, she had tried everything, including emergency

Air Conditioning Not Working At Store

Air Conditioning Not Working At Store

It looked like they were working to fix the A/C problem. I went to my local big-box retail store yesterday and they seemed to be having a problem with their HVAC system. It was really hot and humid in the store. I guess the air conditioning wasn’t working or something. They had all of their

Movie theater has HVAC problem

Movie theater has HVAC problem

The kids were excited to finally be able to go to the theater and watch a movie again. It was nice to get out of the house even if the theater popcorn is overpriced. The movie theater is still practicing social distancing so that is nice. No crowded movie theater for us. However, the movie

the back in trucks

the back in trucks

I work for an employment agency plus specialize in matching skilled laborers with local contractors, however without question, there’s a shortage of skilled laborers, plus it’s anybody’s know as to the cause, some claim that the shortage is a result of civilization’s emphasis on four year school degrees over trade school certifications, then in recent

Bees in the ductwork

Bees in the ductwork

Last spring, I decided to thoroughly clean my home from top to bottom. I laundered all of the linens, organized the closets, washed the windows and cleaned everything from the overhead light fixtures to behind furniture. Multiple times, I found a bee flying around the room. I carefully captured the bee and released it outside.

Sharing a shed & only one side of the roof was done

Sharing a shed & only one side of the roof was done

I ended up picking a moderately priced shingle roof that is a black I recently bought a apartment that I share a shed with the girl next door, and there is a wall that separates the two sheds, but they share a roof, and apparently the previous owner of my side was a cheapo! I

I know I enjoy the UV light filter

I know I enjoy the UV light filter

But in my experience I know I like it better than the HEPA filters You know after using me numerous weird types of media air cleaners over the years you would know that I would enjoy HEPA filters. After all HEPA are one of the best kinds of media air cleaners you could ever wish

Movie theater has Heating and Air Conditioning problem

Movie theater has Heating and Air Conditioning problem

The teenagers were excited to finally be able to go to the theater plus watch a film again. It was nice to get out of the condo even if the theater popcorn is expensive. The Dipson Theater is still practicing social distancing so that is nice. No crowded Dipson Theater for us. However, the Dipson

You should spend money for an cooling system care program

You should spend money for an cooling system care program

There are particular things in life that need to have routine check ups and maintenance. For example, you should have correct maintenance done on your car to make sure there are no problems that could cost you extra money or even safety down the line. You should get correct physicals to make sure that you

The air conditioning system won’t work in our van

The air conditioning system won’t work in our van

The air conditioning system won’t work in our van for some reason and it’s super annoying if you ask me. The weather has really been heating up a lot lately and I really need to have a good air conditioning system in the van. I have to be in the car literally all the time

Trending online

Trending online

I contacted a local web design firm to see if they could help out in this area When I listen to the daily news they always do a segment on “what’s Trending”. I find most of the stuff really boring and don’t see what all the fuss is about. It is usually some story about