I know I enjoy the UV light filter

I know I enjoy the UV light filter

But in my experience I know I like it better than the HEPA filters You know after using me numerous weird types of media air cleaners over the years you would know that I would enjoy HEPA filters. After all HEPA are one of the best kinds of media air cleaners you could ever wish

I’ve Always Purchased My Air Filters From The Hardware Store

I’ve Always Purchased My Air Filters From The Hardware Store

I’ve always purchased my air filters from the hardware store. I’ve always done this because it’s what my parents always did, so I didn’t think to try anything different. I knew air filters were sold at the hardware store, so that’s the only place I knew to find them. This all changed when I discovered

Older packaged heating/cooling device struggles in the winter season

Older packaged heating/cooling device struggles in the winter season

I live just far enough south that my pal and I never see snow or temperatures below freezing. The winters are brief but the weather gets cold enough that a heating system is required. The summers are seriously tepid and humid. For the majority of the year, the weather is moderate, and we’re able to

No time for planning for Heating and Air Conditioning

No time for planning for Heating and Air Conditioning

Did you ever hear the term “shotgun ceremony”. I still laugh when I suppose about the afternoons when a couple would end up in a “situation” and she vision of the dad standing there with a shotgun in her hand in case the groom tried to escape. As ridiculous as it sounds, this did happen

Infrared heat works great in a pinch

Infrared heat works great in a pinch

Have you ever obtained a portable heater to help supplement your Heating, Ventilation, and A/C system? Many times purchasing one of these units it perfect for a room or small space that just needs a bit more warmth. Take my laundry room, it always seems to be colder than the rest of the house and

Trending online

Trending online

When I listen to the daily news they always do a segment on “what’s Trending”. I find most of the stuff entirely boring and don’t see what all the fuss is about. It is usually some story about a celebrity doing some terrible thing and it has no impact on my life personally. I assume

Termites raining down from Heating as well as A/C vents

Termites raining down from Heating as well as A/C vents

I have learned a lot from flipping houses. For example: “don’t bite off more than you can chew”. In other words, don’t take on a project that is more than you can handle. For me, that means not intentionally buying a home that has issues that I can’t repair myself. Take, for example, this one

Heater safety in the barn

Heater safety in the barn

My kid found a newborn lamb in our field this week. Its mother had abandoned it. I have no idea why. This is the first lamb of the season so I don’t have any other ewes I can put her with. My kid decided that she would care for the lamb himself. I consistently have

Reasons to call for boiler repairs

Reasons to call for boiler repairs

The long, cold months of winter are demanding on all types of heating systems. While boilers tend to be especially reliable, they are not immune to problems. It’s best to call for professional service at the first indication of a problem. Acting fast helps to prevent further damage, more expensive repairs and potential replacement of

Grandparents are picky when it comes to leaving doors cracked

Grandparents are picky when it comes to leaving doors cracked

I appreciate to visit my Grandparents! Not a lot of the other grandchildren visit them so I make sure that I go when I get the chance. I try to go at least twice a week; My Grandmother always has a important meal prepared every time I come over. She always tells me to tell

Packaged component can’t keep up with drastic winter weather

Packaged component can’t keep up with drastic winter weather

My husband and I were harshly happy to transport south. My associate and I purchased a house in an area with long, tepid summers and short, mild winters. The residence is equipped with a packaged component that provides both heating and cooling. It works by transferring heat from one location to another. In cooling mode,

My furnace died, plus I was so frustrated

My furnace died, plus I was so frustrated

I always thought that life would be easier the older that I got, but I have found that the opposite is really true! When I was a child, I could not wait to grow up, but now that I am an adult, I wish so badly that I could go back to being a child

An Oasis from the heat

An Oasis from the heat

If you ever walk down a town street in the middle of Summer you know that the heat can be intense. I live as well as labor in the middle of a sizable metropolitan town as well as so everything I can do to escape the waves of baking air coming from the blacktop I

I like that the current house has radiant floors

I like that the current house has radiant floors

I have consistently hated hardwood floors. I grew up in a house with no carpeting whatsoever and my feet were consistently freezing cold, my Grandma, on the other hand, had nice lush carpeting and I enjoyed it. My feet were consistently so warm and comfortable when we stayed at Grandma’s house! That is why I

Humidity Can Mean Mold Growth

Humidity Can Mean Mold Growth

I am a real estate agent and I have experienced many homes. I love my job, being able to see the unusual architecture and design of homes. I’ve seen beautiful homes and I’ve seen dreadful homes that need fixing up. Earlier this week I was lucky enough to go inside a multi million dollar house.

Smokey bar

Smokey bar

I recently lost my job and I decided that I wanted to go back to work in a local pub. When I was in college I worked in a local bar and I loved it, granted I watched much younger than I didn’t have as many responsibilities as I have now. Thankfully I don’t have

Going to a wedding and there being too much heat

Going to a wedding and there being too much heat

I can’t wait until the day that I get married, I am in no rush however I love going to weddings and seeing all of the weird decorations and effort that is put into making one’s day so special. I just went to my cousin’s wedding last weekend and it was so cool to see

Parents are picky when it comes to leaving doors open

Parents are picky when it comes to leaving doors open

I care about to visit my Grandparents, and not a lot of the other grandchildren visit them so I make sure that I go when I get the chance. I try to go at least twice a week; My Grandmother regularly has a giant meal prepared every time I come over. She regularly tells me

AC in a hotter country

AC in a hotter country

A year ago, I decided to take a backpacking trip abroad! The weather conditions of the region I traveled to was similar to where I live in the US, but humidity as well as high hot as well as cold temperatures did not worry me as I was used to such conditions where I live

Spooky noises from the broken furnace

Spooky noises from the broken furnace

I visited my sibling a few months back when winter season was almost ending, however it was still cold, plus my pal and I had to stay most of the time indoors. Around the same time, her furnace had given up on her because it was old plus ancient, she had tried everything, including emergency

I need a up-to-date heater

I need a up-to-date heater

My furnace is downright ancient. Although it continues to operate, the system is no longer efficient or effective. My energy bills are a little higher every month, even while comfort diminishes, but on especially cold mornings plus evenings, the furnace can’t keep up with demand plus the home feels chilly, but living in the northeastern

Trending online

Trending online

When I listen to the monthly news they constantly do a segment on “what’s Trending”. I find most of the stuff legitimately boring & don’t see what all the fuss is about. It is usually some story about a celebrity doing some awful thing & it has no impact on my life personally. I suppose

I tried to do my school in the living room, but it was too cold

I tried to do my school in the living room, but it was too cold

I am one of those weird people who loves school. As a child, I could not get enough school. I went to my regular classes of course, but I also went to every extra class that I possible could. The school building was my second home, and I had no problem with that. After highschool,

Hot Breakfast

Hot Breakfast

When touring Europe last year, my cousin visited some entirely cool locales. She would Skype with me monthly to tell me of her adventures. She even spent some afternoons backpacking through the countryside. On one of our calls, I noticed that the background behind her was all attractive stone, at first, I thought she must

Bees in the HVAC duct

Bees in the HVAC duct

My associate and I were unable to run the a/c until the bee complications were taken care of Last Spring, I decided to thoroughly clean my condo from top to bottom. I laundered all of the linens, organized the closets, washed the windows and cleaned everything from the overhead light fixtures to behind furniture, then

Trying to monitor a stressful situation

Trying to monitor a stressful situation

I prefer this time of year for numerous reasons but there are also a few that stress me out. Spending time with family and friends celebrating and seeing the look on the faces of children when they see Santa are some of the great ones for sure. Getting the bill from my credit cards after

We Don’t Use Our Furnace Often

We Don’t Use Our Furnace Often

Where I live in the south, my pal and I honestly rarely run our boiler. 9 months out of the year require an air conditioner plus a fantastic one at best. The summer time months bring extreme heat plus humidity plus the air conditioner is run heavily all afternoon plus evening, but during the three

The air conditioning makes my feet even colder

The air conditioning makes my feet even colder

The air conditioning makes my feet even colder than they usually are, and that’s really saying something. I suffer from feet that are always cold for some reason. My husband hates it, and we end up fighting about it a lot of the time, too. I don’t usually do it on purpose, but I end

Grandparents sizzling house

Grandparents sizzling house

One thing my parents don’t have that my friend and I do in our home is a heating and cooling system Every year during the summer time I send my kids off to my parents house. They cherish spending time with their Grandparents but I suppose as my friend and I get older it’s become

Survival kit for painful menstrual cycles

Survival kit for painful menstrual cycles

Many ladies suffer from painful menstrual cycles every month. Symptoms include painful cramps, nausea, headaches, irritability, depression, backaches, exhaustion, plus mood swings. Some ladies have mild cramps that can be treated with over the counter pain killers. Some ladies have harshly painful cramps from conditions like endometriosis that prescription painkillers can help in some cases.

I still can't believe what a great deal I got on my A/C

I still can't believe what a great deal I got on my A/C

I still can’t believe what a great deal I got on my new A/C system when I purchased it last month. I was planning on trying to tough it out throughout the summer without air conditioning this year because I did not have enough money saved up to buy a new cooling unit. Luckily for

Going into a hardware store plus asking an employee smart thermostat questions

Going into a hardware store plus asking an employee smart thermostat questions

I’m not a fan of fixing things myself, then however my spouse went to a bachelor celebration for her best friend’s upcoming anniversary. She was gone for four afternoons plus in those four afternoons everything broke; I felt obligated to service everything while she was away. I didn’t want him to come home to a

I need a new boiler

I need a new boiler

The output of the boiler automatically increases and decreases in answer to the demands of the home. My boiler is downright ancient. Although it continues to operate, the system is no longer efficient or effective. My bi-weekly bills are a little higher every month, even while comfort diminishes, on especially chilly days and days, the