The Heating Install Blog

I know I enjoy the UV light filter

I know I enjoy the UV light filter

But in my experience I know I like it better than the HEPA filters You know after using me numerous weird types of media air cleaners over the years you would know that I would enjoy HEPA filters. After all HEPA are one of the best kinds of media air cleaners you could ever wish

Shopping for a fireplace

Shopping for a fireplace

The holiday season is abruptly approaching plus with it there is something that I’ve been wanting more than anything else for a entirely long time plus that thing is a fireplace. I certainly enjoy fireplaces because of the theme that they set for the holidays, plus even when it is not that time of the

Shopping for a fireplace

Shopping for a fireplace

The holiday season is hastily approaching plus with it there is something that I’ve been wanting more than anything else for a easily long time plus that thing is a fireplace, however i actually love fireplaces because of the theme that they set for the holidays, plus even when it is not that time of

Portable space heaters are great

Portable space heaters are great

I cherish to have portable space heating products. They’ve saved me so many times. I entirely have way more than I cherish or need & I have become a bit of a joke because of this. Maybe it’s a little odd although I have over 10 individual strange space furnaces! What can I say? I

A First Date with an HVAC Technician

A First Date with an HVAC Technician

I recently started dating again, and connected with a man online who asked me out to dinner. I was getting ready for our date when I felt hot. I panicked—I had some HVAC issues in the last few months, but I had yet to find a heating and cooling technician that I trusted to tinker

My Favorite Artist and My Old-School Art Gallery

My Favorite Artist and My Old-School Art Gallery

I run an art gallery, and my building is over 100 years old. Our air conditioning system was installed thirty years ago, and had never been updated. The gallery was comfortable with only a few of us in the building, but I almost dreaded exhibition openings; would our artists notice that it was a little

The New Baby Made Us Realize We Needed Heated Floors

The New Baby Made Us Realize We Needed Heated Floors

My wife and I had spent months preparing for the birth of our adopted daughter; we assembled a lovely nursery that reflected both of our personalities, a room that would grow with her. A few days after she was born, she came home with us. Because of the snow outside, we kept our heater running

My Wife’s Career Change Helped Us Make Changes in Our Home

My Wife’s Career Change Helped Us Make Changes in Our Home

My wife was a teacher for many years; but, after our son was born, she decided that she wanted to change careers. Her father was an HVAC technician, and after his recent passing, she decided that she wanted to follow in his footsteps. I was proud of her, and I was secretly thrilled to have

He had air conditioning in his motorcycle.

He had air conditioning in his motorcycle.

I didn’t know you needed air conditioning when you were on a motorcycle. I always thought the steady air blowing on your body would keep you cool. I was wrong according to the man that came to visit my husband last week. He and my husband had been friends many years ago, until this man

This week my favorite coffee shop is closed for HVAC work

This week my favorite coffee shop is closed for HVAC work

This week, my favorite coffee shop is closed so that they can do some HVAC work. I don’t really understand why they had to close the whole place down in order to do the HVAC work, but I guess they are doing some pretty extensive renovations inside of the coffee shop. This is my favorite

The air conditioning makes my feet even colder

The air conditioning makes my feet even colder

The air conditioning makes my feet even colder than they usually are, and that’s really saying something. I suffer from feet that are always cold for some reason. My husband hates it, and we end up fighting about it a lot of the time, too. I don’t usually do it on purpose, but I end

Hot weather gives me a headache when there is no A/C

Hot weather gives me a headache when there is no A/C

Hot weather gives me a bad headache whenever there isn’t any A/C. I really don’t know why this has started happening to me recently, unless it’s because I’m just getting older. The heat during the summer never really used to bother me at all. As a matter of fact, I used to stay outside even

I wish there was A/C at the baseball field

I wish there was A/C at the baseball field

I wish that there was A/C at the baseball field. It’s so hot around here during the summer that I can barely stand it. I know that it’s probably never going to happen, but I wish that someone would invent some personal cooling devices specifically to take to all of the baseball games outside during

This guy at the HVAC company started to play in my band

This guy at the HVAC company started to play in my band

This guy at the HVAC company started to play in my band last month. I have been playing in the same band since way back in college and I love all the guys in the band like they are my brothers. I play the lead guitar and sing the main vocals but we have really

Today’s weather could have been cooler

Today’s weather could have been cooler

Today’s weather was very humid and hot. During the summer months, the weather is unpredictable. Some days it’s hot and humid and other days it is rainy and dreary all day. I live in an area where the temperatures are regularly over 90 during the summer. I’m lucky to live close to lots of lakes

The young technician was still new to the game

The young technician was still new to the game

I had to hire someone to work at the HVAC store and I went through a whole list of applications. All of the applications were from young technicians and I really needed someone with experience in residential and commercial heating and cooling. After looking at several different applications and resumes, I called a couple of

I was happy for the free estimate

I was happy for the free estimate

When problems with my furnace were occurring, I knew it was probably time to get a new machine. Before I spent all of that money on a brand new furnace, I thought it would be a good idea to call a local service provider for help. I contacted a company in town that offers free

I think you should put in a UV light air purifier

I think you should put in a UV light air purifier

I think that if you have allergy problems like I do, you should put in a UV light air purification system to run at the same time as your heating and cooling system. A lot of people have told me about different kinds of heating and cooling systems, and up until this point, I never

The air conditioning system won’t work in our van

The air conditioning system won’t work in our van

The air conditioning system won’t work in our van for some reason and it’s super annoying if you ask me. The weather has really been heating up a lot lately and I really need to have a good air conditioning system in the van. I have to be in the car literally all the time

I still can't believe what a great deal I got on my A/C

I still can't believe what a great deal I got on my A/C

I still can’t believe what a great deal I got on my new A/C system when I purchased it last month. I was planning on trying to tough it out throughout the summer without air conditioning this year because I did not have enough money saved up to buy a new cooling unit. Luckily for

My husband Ray works as an HVAC technician

My husband Ray works as an HVAC technician

My husband Ray works as an HVAC technician here in town. He loves his job more than anyone else that I have ever known. I really think that he was probably born to be an HVAC technician, honestly. He is always just so happy to go to work every morning. I think that he is

We are going to get a new HVAC system before the baby comes

We are going to get a new HVAC system before the baby comes

We are going to get a new HVAC system before the baby comes in July. At least, that’s what my husband keeps telling me. The two of us have been talking about getting a new heating and cooling system for our house for the past year now, but it just hasn’t happened yet. It seems

I know about the history of HVAC and so I won at the trivia game

I know about the history of HVAC and so I won at the trivia game

I don’t think that they were really expecting very much out of me since I don’t usually play trivia very often. I know about the history of HVAC and so I won at the trivia game at the bar last week. I hardly ever go and play trivia, but my friends begged me to come