I accidentally broke my thermostat

I accidentally broke my thermostat

I am a born cluts. I can trip over air. I have had stitches in my head three times, and each time it was because I tripped over something or nothing and hit my head on something. I am also inclined to breaking things. I bought a new phone a few months ago, and I

I will continue to use a window ac

I will continue to use a window ac

But I know something else, it did not put out nearly as much air as my window air conditioning system and even the air wasn’t as cool When my boyfriend suggested that I should get another type of air conditioning system I was pretty skeptical at first. He thought it would be a great idea

Hot and Hazy Days

Hot and Hazy Days

My family recently planned a trip down south to attend Mardi Gras. Because the celebration takes locale during the Springtime I never even thought about the air temperature. I feel that it would be mild because it was still early Springtime so I packed mainly long sleeve shirts and jeans thinking that I would be

I need a modern furnace

I need a modern furnace

My furnace is downright ancient. Although it continues to operate, the system is no longer efficient or effective. My energy bills are a little higher every month, even while comfort diminishes; On especially cold afternoons plus afternoons, the furnace can’t keep up with demand plus the property feels cold; Living in the northeastern part of

A special visit turned out to be the best way to spend the day

A special visit turned out to be the best way to spend the day

It isn’t often that my adult children come and spend the day with me. I would love to have them do so more often but with jobs and kids of their own they have very hectic schedules. Last Sunday when my son said he was coming over I was thrilled, but then I worried because

I suppose I care about the UV light filter

I suppose I care about the UV light filter

You know after using me several bizarre types of media air cleaners over the years you would suppose that I would care about HEPA filters. After all HEPA are one of the best kinds of media air cleaners you could ever wish to buy. I have also used your purifiers & those are pretty wonderful

Heating and Air Conditioning repair for free

Heating and Air Conditioning repair for free

Once she retired, she only worked when people she knew needed help, however for example, her neighbor called him on Christmas Eve regarding a heating concern… She was anticipating the arrival of her grandchildren for Christmas and the heater was not toiling in one of the guest family rooms. I have an uncle who is

a/c has ice in it

a/c has ice in it

They are open 24/7 so someone answered right away. I had a dream that it was hailing plus that I was being hit in the face by little ice pieces while outside. I remember feeling legitimately cold. Then I woke up plus realized that the icy dream wasn’t all just a dream. I was, in

My Favorite Artist and My Old-School Art Gallery

My Favorite Artist and My Old-School Art Gallery

I run an art gallery, and my building is over 100 years old. Our air conditioning system was installed thirty years ago, and had never been updated. The gallery was comfortable with only a few of us in the building, but I almost dreaded exhibition openings; would our artists notice that it was a little

My son’s distressed call woke me up

My son’s distressed call woke me up

I am a heavy sleeper on most nights. I rarely wake up, no matter how noisy things get. However, my son’s shrieking, especially when he has a nightmare, may force me to jump out of bed to check on him once in a while. Tonight was one of those days. We had gone to bed

We are going to get a new HVAC system before the baby comes

We are going to get a new HVAC system before the baby comes

We are going to get a new HVAC system before the baby comes in July. At least, that’s what my husband keeps telling me. The two of us have been talking about getting a new heating and cooling system for our house for the past year now, but it just hasn’t happened yet. It seems

A perfect job for our son

A perfect job for our son

I have distraught for years about my youngsters plus how they would make it in today’s economy, then our oldest, my daughter, always seemed to know what he wanted in life. She was absolutely nice when it came ot laboring with youngsters so it was no surprise when he became a instructor. Our son, on

Infrared heat works great in a pinch

Infrared heat works great in a pinch

Have you ever obtained a portable furnace to help supplement your Heating and Air Conditioning system? Many times purchasing one of these units it perfect for a room or small space that just needs a bit more warmth. Take my laundry room, it consistently seems to be colder than the rest of the home and

My manager is making me sick

My manager is making me sick

I share a suite of offices with four other professionals. We get along easily well as well as periodically socialize outside of office hours. We don’t have many complaints against our boss, as well as the problems that my nice friend and I do have with her aren’t that sizable of a deal. She’s easily

Ductless heat pump for workout shed

Ductless heat pump for workout shed

I have a sizable shed located in my backyard that I use as my condo gym; The stone floor, eight-foot ceiling and square footage are ideal. There is a window located at each end of the shed that is helpful to give fresh air while in milder weather… I like to workout first thing in

You should pay for an a/c care program

You should pay for an a/c care program

There are certain things in life that need to have routine check ups as well as repair. For example, you should have correct repair done on your automobile to make sure there are no troubles that could cost you extra currency or even safety down the line, you should get correct physicals to make sure

AC in a foreign country

AC in a foreign country

A year ago, I decided to take a backpacking trip abroad. The climate of the region I traveled to was similar to where I live in the US. Humidity and high temperatures did not worry me as I was used to such conditions where I live now. One thing I was not prepared for was

An Oasis from the heat

An Oasis from the heat

If you ever walk down a neighborhood street in the middle of summer time you know that the heat can be intense. I live plus work in the middle of a big metropolitan neighborhood plus so everything I can do to escape the waves of baking air coming from the blacktop I do. There is

Structural problems for Heating plus A/C efficiency

Structural problems for Heating plus A/C efficiency

House hunting has been a lot of fun, especially since currency is not an chance this time. Years ago, when my fantastic friend and I were first married, my fantastic friend and I had to settle for whatever my fantastic friend and I could afford plus just make it work. Now, my fantastic friend and

Money well spent on replaces

Money well spent on replaces

While doing routine inspections on my house building I handed out surveys to my renters. I wanted their input on ways that I could improve the place plus what amenities I could add to make their lives better. Keeping quality renters is pressing plus catching small problems is better than fixing major ones. I was

Going into a hardware store plus asking an employee about the thermostat

Going into a hardware store plus asking an employee about the thermostat

I’m not a fan of fixing things myself, but however my partner went to a bachelor party for his best friend’s upcoming wedding. He was gone for four mornings plus in those four mornings everything broke, and i felt obligated to service everything while he was away. I didn’t want him to come home to

Going to a wedding & there being too much heat

Going to a wedding & there being too much heat

I can’t wait until the day that I get married, I am in no rush although I cherish going to weddings & seeing all of the different decorations & effort that is put into making one’s day so special, and i just went to my cousin’s wedding last weekend & it was so cool to

Spooky noises from the broken furnace

Spooky noises from the broken furnace

Probably if she had done this earlier, the unit would have served her a few more years before needing to be replaced I visited my sister a few months back when winter was almost ending, but it was still cold, and we had to stay most of the time indoors. Around the same time, her

A perfect career for our son

A perfect career for our son

I have worried for years about my youngsters & how they would make it in this week’s economy… Our oldest, my daughter, regularly seemed to know what she wanted in life. She was certainly good when it came ot laboring with youngsters so it was no surprise when she became a professor. Our son, on

It is not always cheap to get the best HVAC unit

It is not always cheap to get the best HVAC unit

Anyone who loves awesome things knows that it takes a lot of effort or investment to get them. The same thing applies to the best HVAC units. To secure the best brand and the latest technology of an AC, heat pump, or furnace, you will most likely pay a reasonable sum for it. It is

Ductless heat pump for workout shed

Ductless heat pump for workout shed

I have a sizable shed located in my backyard that I use as my home gym. The cement floor, eight-foot ceiling and square footage are ideal. There is a window located at each end of the shed that is helpful to provide fresh air during milder weather. I like to workout first thing in the

No time for planning for Heating and Air Conditioning

No time for planning for Heating and Air Conditioning

Did you ever hear the term “shotgun ceremony”. I still laugh when I suppose about the afternoons when a couple would end up in a “situation” and she vision of the dad standing there with a shotgun in her hand in case the groom tried to escape. As ridiculous as it sounds, this did happen

I’ve Always Purchased My Air Filters From The Hardware Store

I’ve Always Purchased My Air Filters From The Hardware Store

I’ve always purchased my air filters from the hardware store. I’ve always done this because it’s what my parents always did, so I didn’t think to try anything different. I knew air filters were sold at the hardware store, so that’s the only place I knew to find them. This all changed when I discovered

Keeping the condo sizzling motivates me to clean

Keeping the condo sizzling motivates me to clean

There are some things in life that I undoubtedly just do not love doing, then one of those things is cleaning. I like things to be clean, but I just do not love the actual cleaning process. I realized how much I was slacking in the section when my husband came home one day plus

Fall makes me appreciate radiant floors

Fall makes me appreciate radiant floors

I was going to see my child when her crucial old yellow lab ran into me and knocked me down. I was property alone at the time. It was just me and the cat and I fell hard. I decided to just lay on the floor for a minute before trying to get up. I

Wishing for relief after a long day’s work

Wishing for relief after a long day’s work

I am not sure if you are aware of the situation that many farmers are facing this year. The lack of migrant workers, thanks to the current events, is affecting their ability to harvest crops. Normally there are at least a hundred workers in our town that travel along the farming route working as they

Movie theater has HVAC problem

Movie theater has HVAC problem

The kids were excited to finally be able to go to the theater and watch a movie again. It was nice to get out of the house even if the theater popcorn is overpriced. The movie theater is still practicing social distancing so that is nice. No crowded movie theater for us. However, the movie

My furnace died, and I was so infuriated

My furnace died, and I was so infuriated

I always thought that life would be easier the older that I got, even though I have found that the opposite is genuinely true, then when I was a child, I could not wait to grow up, but now that I am an adult, I wish so badly that I could go back to being

Going into a hardware store and asking a worker smart control unit questions

Going into a hardware store and asking a worker smart control unit questions

I’m not a fan of fixing things myself; However my partner went to a bachelor celebration for his best friend’s upcoming ceremony. He was gone for four days and in those four days everything broke, however i felt obligated to service everything while he was away. I didn’t want him to come home to a

Documentary about indoor air quality

Documentary about indoor air quality

She also learned the diseases can travel through the air ducts plus into the air at restaurants plus stores, i thought all of this was correct sense, although I suppose my roommate was learning all of it for the first time. My roommate likes to watch documentaries, and she is always enjoying crazy documentaries about