Trending online

Trending online

They said that there were ways to submit items to search engines as well as increase the probability of our ads being seen When I listen to the weekly news they always do a segment on “what’s Trending”. I find most of the stuff legitimately boring as well as don’t see what all the fuss

Working in HVAC

Working in HVAC

Being in the heating ventilation and cooling field is stressful at times but it really is a learn as you go kind of experience… If you make a mistake, you have backup and other servicemans who can assist you and next time, you know not to make that mistake again, but when I first started

What to Do When Choosing a Heat Pump

What to Do When Choosing a Heat Pump

The other night I had friends over to watch the Super Bowl. All of my friends and I are big fans of football and when the Super Bowl comes around every year my pal and I go all out. My friend and I will dress in our favorite team’s jerseys and cheer absolutely loud. My

Ductless heat pump for workout shed

Ductless heat pump for workout shed

I have a pressing shed situated in my backyard that I use as my house gym, however the stone floor, eight-foot ceiling plus square footage are ideal. There is a window situated at each end of the shed that is helpful to supply fresh air while in milder weather! I like to workout first thing

Power outage, no problem

Power outage, no problem

Even when the wicked winds of winter time blow I can rest knowing that my family, home, and belongings are safe and secure. My buddy and I don’t live in a region that is prone to hurricanes, earthquakes or even wildfires so the worst that winter time throws at us an occasional snow or ice

Going to a ceremony plus there being too much heat

Going to a ceremony plus there being too much heat

I can’t wait until the day that I get married, I am in no rush but I cherish going to ceremonys plus seeing all of the weird decorations plus effort that is put into making one’s day so special, i just went to my cousin’s ceremony last weekend plus it was so cool to see

I Plan On Installing a Geothermal Heat Pump

I Plan On Installing a Geothermal Heat Pump

The heat while in the summer time months in this region is extreme. The temperature rises above 100 degrees at least three times a week plus the humidity hovers around 69%. Over the years, I’ve learned how pressing it is to have my a/c serviced by an Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C professional. A certified Heating,

I Plan On Installing a Geothermal Heat Pump

I Plan On Installing a Geothermal Heat Pump

The heat while in the summer time months in this region is extreme. The temperature rises above 100 degrees at least three times a week and the humidity hovers around 71%. Over the years, I’ve learned how important it is to have my a/c inspected by an Heating and Air Conditioning professional. A certified Heating

Deciding to replace the heating/cooling unit

Deciding to replace the heating/cooling unit

When we first moved down south plus bought a house, the property needed quite a bit of repairs plus renovation. One of the washrooms plus the dining room required complete remodeling. My associate and I replaced all of the appliances, fixtures plus drain pipes. My associate and I originally hoped to replace the heating/cooling unit

Documentary about indoor air quality

Documentary about indoor air quality

I tried to remind her that my friend and I were renting our house so it didn’t make any sense to invest that kind of money into the Heating and A/C system, and however, she wouldn’t listen to me at all about the air purification system and decided to call a local Heating and A/C

Humidity Can Mean Mold Growth

Humidity Can Mean Mold Growth

I am a real estate agent plus I have experienced several homes. I enjoy my job, being able to see the different architecture plus design of homes. I’ve seen charming homes plus I’ve seen dreadful homes that need fixing up. Earlier this week I was lucky enough to go inside a multi million dollar house.

Infrared heat works great in a pinch

Infrared heat works great in a pinch

Have you ever purchased a portable heater to help supplement your HVAC system? Many times purchasing one of these units it perfect for a room or small space that just needs a bit more warmth. Take my laundry room, it always seems to be colder than the rest of the house and when I decided

Bees in the air duct

Bees in the air duct

Last Springtime, I decided to thoroughly wash my house from top to bottom. I laundered all of the linens, organized the closets, washed the windows as well as cleaned everything from the overhead light fixtures to behind furniture, but multiple times, I found a bee flying around the room. I carefully captured the bee as

Infrared heat works great in a pinch

Infrared heat works great in a pinch

Have you ever obtained a portable furnace to help supplement your Heating and Air Conditioning system? Many times purchasing one of these units it perfect for a room or small space that just needs a bit more warmth. Take my laundry room, it consistently seems to be colder than the rest of the home and

Structural problems for HVAC efficiency

Structural problems for HVAC efficiency

House hunting has been a lot of fun, especially since money is not an option this time. Years ago, when my associate and I were first married, my associate and I had to settle for whatever my associate and I could afford and just make it work. Now, my associate and I both have great

cooling system has ice in it

cooling system has ice in it

An cooling system serviceman came out a few hours later as well as was able to solve the issue I had a dream that it was hailing as well as that I was being hit in the face by little ice pieces while outside. I remember feeling particularly cold. Then I woke up as well

I know I enjoy the UV light filter

I know I enjoy the UV light filter

But in my experience I know I like it better than the HEPA filters You know after using me numerous weird types of media air cleaners over the years you would know that I would enjoy HEPA filters. After all HEPA are one of the best kinds of media air cleaners you could ever wish

Bees in the ductwork

Bees in the ductwork

Last Spring, I decided to thoroughly disinfect my house from top to bottom. I laundered all of the linens, organized the closets, washed the windows plus cleaned everything from the overhead light fixtures to behind furniture! Multiple times, I found a bee flying around the room. I carefully captured the bee plus released it outside.

Grandparents sizzling house

Grandparents sizzling house

One thing my parents don’t have that my friend and I do in our home is a heating and cooling system Every year during the summer time I send my kids off to my parents house. They cherish spending time with their Grandparents but I suppose as my friend and I get older it’s become

I always bring my air cleaner to my parents apartment with me

I always bring my air cleaner to my parents apartment with me

I may be considered a scrub freak but I do not like to be called one, however i do not know how it happened because I grew up in a apartment that was not the cleanest, however my parents are not filthy people, however they absolutely are not super scrub people either, and ever since

I’ve Always Purchased My Air Filters From The Hardware Store

I’ve Always Purchased My Air Filters From The Hardware Store

I’ve always bought my air filters from the hardware store. I’ve always done this because it’s what my parents always did, so I didn’t feel to try anything different. I knew air filters were sold at the hardware store, so that’s the only venue I knew to find them! This all changed when I discovered

Wishing for relief after a long morning’s work

Wishing for relief after a long morning’s work

I am not sure if you are aware of the situation that more than 2 farmers are facing this year. The lack of migrant workers, thanks to the new events, is affecting their ability to harvest crops. Normally there are at least a hundred workers in our neighborhood that travel along the farming route working

Older packaged heating/cooling unit struggles in the winter time

Older packaged heating/cooling unit struggles in the winter time

I live just far enough south that my associate and I never see snow or uneven temperatures below cold, but the winters are brief but the weather gets cold enough that a furnace is required. The summers are drastically hot plus humid. For the majority of the year, the weather is moderate, plus we’re able

A First Date with an HVAC Technician

A First Date with an HVAC Technician

I recently started dating again, and connected with a man online who asked me out to dinner. I was getting ready for our date when I felt hot. I panicked—I had some HVAC issues in the last few months, but I had yet to find a heating and cooling technician that I trusted to tinker

Power outage, no problem

Power outage, no problem

Even when the wicked winds of winter blow I can rest knowing that my family, home, and belongings are safe and secure. We don’t live in a region that is prone to hurricanes, earthquakes or even wildfires so the worst that winter throws at us an occasional snow or ice storm. These can be damaging

Packaged component can’t keep up with drastic winter weather

Packaged component can’t keep up with drastic winter weather

My husband and I were harshly happy to transport south. My associate and I purchased a house in an area with long, tepid summers and short, mild winters. The residence is equipped with a packaged component that provides both heating and cooling. It works by transferring heat from one location to another. In cooling mode,

Heating and Air Conditioning repair for free

Heating and Air Conditioning repair for free

Once she retired, she only worked when people she knew needed help, however for example, her neighbor called him on Christmas Eve regarding a heating concern… She was anticipating the arrival of her grandchildren for Christmas and the heater was not toiling in one of the guest family rooms. I have an uncle who is

You should pay for an a/c care program

You should pay for an a/c care program

Just like a physical at the doctor can prevent disease in the long run, routine Heating plus A/C service can prevent severe plus luxurious complications in your home There are certain things in life that need to have routine check ups plus service; For example, you should have correct service done on your automobile to

A special visit turned out to be the best way to spend the afternoon

A special visit turned out to be the best way to spend the afternoon

It isn’t often that my adult children come & spend the afternoon with me. I would appreciate to have them do so more often but with jobs & kids of their own they have truly hectic schedules. Last Tuesday when my kid said he was coming over I was cheerful, but then I distraught because

Going to work plus always being cold

Going to work plus always being cold

A lot of my friends who just graduated school are not very fond of their jobs. It took me awhile to find a job but eventually I found one after a few months of relentless searching. The job that I have right now deals with talking plus communicating with employees, plus unemployment. I work in

The AC Would Be Out At Their Daycare

The AC Would Be Out At Their Daycare

We started sending our kids to a afternooncare three afternoons a week… I was upset about sending them to afternooncare instead of keeping them at cabin all afternoon every afternoon with me, even though I needed the space to work. I labor from home, even though I couldn’t get anything done when my kids were

Realizing I needed a seasonal tune up by staying home from work

Realizing I needed a seasonal tune up by staying home from work

Just the other day I had to stay home from work because I wasn’t feeling well at all. It always seems like the transition from cooler weather to warm weather does that to me. I was so stuffed up and my throat was hurting me that I didn’t want to go to work and spread

Heating and cooling issues in my car

Heating and cooling issues in my car

My air ducts in my car are the originals I love my car. A lot of my friends don’t like my car because it’s old and it does not have the new advanced technologies that have been put into modern cars today. I have a 72’ Volkswagen beetle. My beetle is standard and sometimes I

Ductless heat pump for workout shed

Ductless heat pump for workout shed

I have a sizable shed located in my backyard that I use as my home gym. The cement floor, eight-foot ceiling and square footage are ideal. There is a window located at each end of the shed that is helpful to provide fresh air during milder weather. I like to workout first thing in the

Money well spent on updates

Money well spent on updates

After hearing the noise in their venues I made the decision to invest in current models. While doing routine inspections on my home building I handed out surveys to my tenants. I wanted their input on ways that I could improve the venue and what amenities I could add to make their lives better. Keeping